doula support

Birth where you feel safest with the people who bring you the most safety.

Birth as ceremony.

Birth as a rite of passage.

Birth as the sacred gateway from maiden to mother.

powerful mothers are supported mothers.

What is a doula/birth keeper?

A very simple & practical definition of what a doula is and does is: a trained non-medical support person who provides physical, emotional and spiritual support to women during birth.

I believe this simplification can be harmful as it lacks the heart and soul of what this work is truly about. The imprint birth leaves on ones life lasts a lifetime and is not to be understated. A doulas role is one who holds profound space for women to find their power, learn to trust & listen to their bodies and give birth in a way that makes them feel seen, heard, safe and most importantly respected. Birth is a rite of passage, a potent time to reclaim the wisdom deeply embedded in your DNA. The right doula can act as an anchor and a lighthouse on voyage into motherhood whether its your first, second, third or 6th time around.

For you more evidence based folks.

Benefits of having a doula at you birth

  • 25% decrease in the risk of Cesarean; the largest effect was seen with a doula (39% decrease)*

  • 8% increase in the likelihood of a spontaneous vaginal birth; the largest effect was seen with a doula (15% increase)*

  • 10% decrease in the use of any medications for pain relief; the type of person providing continuous support did not make a difference

  • Shorter labors by 41 minutes on average; there is no data on if the type of person providing continuous support makes a difference

  • 38% decrease in the baby’s risk of a low five minute Apgar score; there is no data on if the type of person providing continuous support makes a difference

  • 31% decrease in the risk of being dissatisfied with the birth experience; mothers’ risk of being dissatisfied with the birth experience was reduced with continuous support provided by a doula or someone in their social network (family or friend), but not hospital staff


  • Daisy Package

    Free interview to determine whether we’d be a good fit

    Unlimited support throughout pregnancy via phone/email/text

    1-2 prenatal appointments to discuss and prepare for your birth

    Access to handouts & resources

    On-call readiness two weeks before and after your estimated due date

    Physical and emotional support , for mother and birth partner throughout birth and 2 hours postpartum

    Access to TENs Unit while in labor

    One postpartum visit during initial weeks postpartum

    Unlimited phone/email/text support for eight weeks postpartum


  • Sunflower Package

    Free interview to determine whether we’d be a good fit

    Unlimited support throughout pregnancy via phone/email/text

    Herbal pregnancy gift set

    1-2 prenatal appointments to discuss and prepare for your birth

    Access to handouts & resources

    On-call readiness two weeks before and after your estimated due date

    Physical and emotional support , for mother and birth partner throughout birth and 2 hours postpartum

    Access to TENs Unit while in labor

    2 postpartum visits during initial weeks postpartum. One in person, one via FT, zoom.

    Unlimited phone/email/text support for eight weeks postpartum


  • Rose Package

    Free interview to determine whether we’d be a good fit

    Unlimited support throughout pregnancy via phone/email/text

    Herbal pregnancy gift set

    1-2 prenatal appointments to discuss and prepare for your birth

    Access to handouts & resources

    On-call readiness two weeks before and after your estimated due date

    Physical and emotional support , for mother and birth partner throughout birth and 2 hours postpartum

    Access to TENs Unit while in labor

    2 postpartum visits during initial weeks postpartum. One in person, one via FT, zoom.

    Unlimited phone/email/text support for eight weeks postpartum

    Birth Photography



Capturing the dance of birth.

  • Birth photography from active labor through 2 hours postpartum

  • On-call from 37 weeks until delivery

  • 20-30 professionally-edited images

  • Print and social media release

  • Online gallery available for 90 days to digitally download your files